Heather Hansen Oneill

Heather Hansen Oneill

From Fear to Fire on Reflection with Heather

December 24, 2020

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace your Gifts and Achieve Success
This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their stories. Use tips from the breakthroughs of others to jump start your success. Speaker, author, adventurer, and Host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire. Today we talk about reflection- thinking back to the lessons we learned in 2020, and using those lessons to move forward more successfully in 2021.
This week’s theme: Reflection
Love the end-of-the-year time to reflect on what has happened throughout the year to make you into this new version of yourself. In order to know where best to focus moving forward, you have to understand the lessons you’ve learned.
Today Heather shares her Top 5 Lessons for 2020. Have you had time to reflect on all you’ve learned this year? We’d love for you to share your top 5 too!

* You get to choose the energy you attach to the ‘thing’.
* It’s not about you…connect as a human BEing.
* Every trial has a lesson.
* Focus is the Golden Key.
* Honor your body.

Happy holidays!
Heather Hansen O’Neill:
is the host of the From Fear to Fire podcast as well as an international keynote presenter, with timely virtual presentation expertise, best selling author, success coach, and igniter of inner flame!
Reach out to Heather at Heather@HeatherHansenONeill.com.
Quote of the day: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
I promised to share the LINK for the One Week to Your One Thing Challenge- from Dec 28-Jan 1. Don’t miss this opportunity to laser focus on what’s most important for YOU.
