Heather Hansen Oneill

Heather Hansen Oneill

From Fear to Fire on Late Blooming and Purpose

November 12, 2020

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace Your Gifts, and Achieve Success- Embracing Opportunity
This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their journeys to help you move from fear to fire. Where you can use tips from the experience of others to open your mind to the opportunity all around you. The From Fear to Fire podcast shares interviews of experts and authorities who have revolutionary research and solutions. We also interview the person next door dealing with devastation that finds the inner strength to pick themselves up, move forward and help others. Speaker, author, adventurer, and Host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire. Today we focus on late blooming and purpose.
Today’s theme is Purpose!
The Titan Arum is a fickle flower. It only blooms irregularly and can even take decades to bloom. But when it blooms it’s flower weighs 25 pounds and is a site to see. Like the Titan Arum, Donna Nash Williams was a late bloomer. Born the middle daughter of Herdercine and Joe Nash most of the time she found herself in the shadow of her older sister or eclipsed by the light of her little brother.
Her family lived in the nation’s capital. In high school Donna seem to start to flower when she became captain of the cheerleaders and was President of the Student Government, just like the most delicate of flowers can’t be snatched up and moved from one place to another, Donna and her family moved to Dallas her junior year of high school. This created a set back for her.
After graduating from high school Donna attended Morgan State University for 5 years without graduating. She took on little jobs here and there finally moving to Los Angeles on a whim with her sister. While in Los Angeles Donna begin to find her way. She worked for a while as an assistant to one of the top Literary Agents in LA.
While in Los Angeles she also worked in the hotel industry as a Concierge.
Here she began to flourish.
She soon moved again to Chicago where she had her oldest daughter Najah and then moved back to Dallas where she had her 2nd son Elijah. For a while mom and homemaker became her focus. As her children started to go to school, Donna felt herself beginning to bloom again. At 40 years old she went back to school to finish her bachelor’s degree. Working, married and raising 3 children Donna obtained her bachelor’s degree and an MBA. Donna is a trail blazer who stands up for truth. She courageously blew the whistle on two companies she worked for one for sexual harassment of a employee and another for racial discrimination. Donna won two lawsuits against these companies this was a well know case written up in the Dallas Magazine. Neither of the companies that she sued currently operate.
Now an empty nester Donna has finally found her stride. She works at a fortune 500 company and travels the world managing events for her company. To date she has traveled to over 20 countries. No longer in the shadow of anyone. Like the Titan Arum, Donna blooms vividly for all to see.
Contact Donna:

Have you checked out Heather’s complimentary leadership resource called Breaking Free?  Check it out HERE
