from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

161 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Ways of Practice – explain part 3
May 26, 2018

Well today in true From Booze to Buddha form I begin off track and then circle around to talking about the third part of our teaching, wisdom. I feel I understand it well for myself what I find challenging is expressing it well for others.

160 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Ways of Practice – explain part 2
May 25, 2018

Today we continue talking about a reading from The Teaching of the Buddha. Describing the meaning of concentration of mind.

159 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Ways of Practice – explain part 1
May 24, 2018

The teaching of the Buddha was the first book that I read and connected with. Earlier in my recovery from drugs and alcohol I struggled with the spiritual nature of the program of the 12 Steps. I am an agnostic,

158 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | 24 Years Haven’t Been Easy
May 22, 2018

Clean and sober 24 years is not something I brag about it's been a lot of work. I attribute my long lasting success to continuing to work on my personal growth as well as knowing that without reminders and effort it can be possible or even easy to slip...

157 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Can a leopard change his spots?
May 21, 2018

The philosophical question "can a leopard change his spots" is about whether a person can change something that is part of their base nature. Can I change a core behavior that has been a part of me since I was born or very young.

156 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Continued Sobriety; Continued Success
May 16, 2018

Today I talk about, I think, a lot of things/ideas about continuing to grow, find happiness, stay clean and sober and achieve success. Just talking about some of the tools that are in my toolbox and how I have never forgotten they are there or to use t...

155 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | On Day at a Time
May 15, 2018

Alcoholics Anonymous meeting rooms usually have a little sign on the wall that say "One Day At A Time." I think I finally get what that means or it has evolved into an understanding that I us as a principle in my life. -

154 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Direction or Purpose needs Commitment
May 14, 2018

Today I talk a little more about having direction in my life as a key element. Without knowing what I want to be, do or have I just flounder around and that creates down feeling that leads to more floundering around until I'm totally down on myself and...

153 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | A Key to Step One – Direction or Purpose
May 11, 2018

As I continue my story of recovery and how I've stayed clean and sober all these years I discovered a key element for myself. The Key I feel that helps keep me headed in the right direction is Purpose or simply knowing where I am going.

152 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Part one of a story of growth
May 08, 2018

Today's episode is the beginning of my story about the realization that even though I was clean and sober I was still suffering and like the Buddha teaches it was suffering due to my own causes. This is the beginning of the story that I will share this...
