Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Latest Episodes

Episode 10: A Tale Of Two Games
September 20, 2013

Excited to get your weekend started? We are too. And now that we've got our tenth (!!) episode out, you can start it with a blast! (No, really, go hang out with friends. We'll be here when you get back. Forever waiting....we're watching you.) On this week

Episode 9: Go With the Saints Flow
September 10, 2013

Shockingly close to maintaining some kind of schedule, Adam and McKee are back to discuss the craziness of Saints Row IV. Do they love it? Do they want to stay in the Dominatrix? Does Zinyak have a lovely singing voice? Have a listen and find out on this

Episode 8: Be A Good eSport
August 23, 2013

  Don't call it a comeback! Adam and McKee erupt from the lazy days of the summer long game recession to talk about The International 2013, which happened just recently. While it's not a full-blown review, you do get to hear McKee talk about a game he l

Episode 7: Of Zombies and Men
July 09, 2013

Hope everybody had a good Fourth of July, or as it's known internationally, Thursday. This is a big one folks. McKee and I have very different opinions about The Last of Us. As a result, this 'cast is a little longer than previous episodes, as we delve in

Special 01: E3 Extravaganza
June 19, 2013

Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, as we've got two episodes in two days. As you might expect from the image above, as well as our posts elsewhere, this episode is all about the news that came out of E3.  With all the E's we've used, we've had t

Episode 6: Dust to Dust
June 18, 2013

Rising from the ashes of laziness and the ever-inflexible life, like some kind of super penguin, Friendly Fireside Chats is here to present you with our newest 'cast.  Our apologies, once more, for the delay.  This week we find our heroes reviewing Dus

Episode 5: Dear Minerva
May 21, 2013

This week on the 'cast, Adam and myself go over the finer points of Dear Esther and talk about how, man, we really just don't understand it at all. After grasping for epiphanies, we turn our attention to the less cerebral of the games we cover this week:

Episode 4: Fezistential Crisis
May 16, 2013

After bravely having audio difficulties, after bravely stumbling through news stories, after bravely waiting for our audio guy to tell us our audio issues were easily fixable (thanks Larry!) and after bravely procrastinating last night so that I could do

Episode 3: Player Agency
April 17, 2013

It is incredibly difficult to write this, as I'm tempted by the cruelest temptress of all.  I want to make a really bad joke about how we chose to talk about choice (oh wait, we did that in the cast!), or maybe about how you could choose to listen to thi

Episode 2: Infinite Possibilities
April 02, 2013

This time on Friendly Fireside Chats, we find our heroes faced with the daunting task of discussing Bioshock Infinite. Will they agree? When they don't quite agree on everything, will they get angry? Will there be a fight? Which one will come out on top a
