Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Special 03: 2014 in Review

January 14, 2015

You guys had forgotten about us, hadn't you? Be honest. Out with it. It won't hurt our feelings, not too much anyways. We'll survive, shoulder the weight and carry on, just as we've always done...

We're back! We know you guys missed us and we missed you, as much as two talking heads can miss and be missed by a bunch of nameless, ethereal internet denizens.

What's even better news ("you mean, there's more?!" you say, with a look of surprise) is that we've got another special episode for your ears to listen to: The 2014 Year in Review! What that means is that Adam and I look through our crystal balls, backwards in time to see what all we reviewed this year and tell you what our thoughts are about the games, with a more experienced, sagely perspective. How do the games fare? Are any previously thought of gems tarnished? Have any sour grapes turned to fine wine? Tune in, listen up, and find out.

Besides re-evaluating our reviews from the past 12 months, we also talk about: being purchased by Amazon and Mojang, of Minecraft fame, being bought by Microsoft and what it might mean
the uproar that caused GamerGate, that which followed it, and the relative quiet since
a few games that we wish we had reviewed, perhaps some Game of the Year candidates

Goodbye 2014, you really weren't so great. Hopefully 2015 will be a better time for games and the world at large, but we won't know 'til we start plowing through it.

Some things never change. You can still, as ever, find the MP3 link below. iTunes still has us on file, 'cause without us, who's really going to use it? Mosey on over to iTunes and subscribe. Twitter and Facebook might be able to survive without us keeping them afloat, but we all know they don't want to see us go. If you want to borrow our crystal balls (you know you do), ask questions, send comments or anything else where you speak to us, use this handy link. We'd love to read them.

Next time we all get together (which should be before the end of January, we swear), we'll be talking about the newest additions to Nintendo's adorable creature hunt: Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. They're from the distant, distant past of 2014, but neither Adam nor myself have played one in a long, long time so there's nothing you can do to talk us out of it. Don't even try.
