Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 24: The Dogs of War

July 15, 2014

This week marks a continuation of two traditions that we’ve been cultivating for a while here at Friendly Fireside Chats. First, and certainly the more important of the two, it marks our second episode in which we primarily talk about dogs. We hope to soon be the internet’s most prominent ‘dogs in video games’ podcasting group. The second theme is less crucial, but ever more likely to continue: I guessed the game we would be doing wrong. Woe is me!

This week, we’re not talking about Shovel Knight. That bit of awesome platforming will have to wait for another week, another time. This week we talk about Valiant Hearts: The Great War and about how dogs are truly the greatest part of any game they are blessed to be part of.

When we are not saving Europe from its utmost and untimely destruction via our trusted and steadfast animal companion, we spend our time talking about:

  • The International and why you should check it out this year!
  • Ubisoft and their amazingly optimistic first quarter
  • the saturation of the MOBA market
  • Cliff Bleszinski re-enters the gaming scene as others leave

And that, as they say, is that. You can find the MP3 below for your listening pleasure, but we’d prefer you check us out on iTunes and subscribe there. Makes it easier for you and makes it feel more official for us! Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter and like the hell out of us on Facebook! As always, we’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to shoot us one of them newfangled electronic mails you kids are ranting and raving about.

What will we review next time? Will it be the ever looming Shovel Knight? Will it be some other game that isn’t even on our radar yet? Might it be something one of you suggest? We don’t know! Let us know what you want to see and I’ll mull it over as I’m watching more DotA than a man can stand in Seattle. See you guys in a few weeks!
