Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 21: Do Androids Dream of Analog Synths?

May 06, 2014

Returning to a more regularly scheduled ‘cast, we’re back to talk about our experience with FRACT OSC. Going in, neither of us knew what it was about. Coming out, I don’t know that we are much the wiser. Tune in if you want to hear us babble about it for a bit! Let us know if we made any sense at all!

Aside from talking about synthesizers and expectations of Myst, we discuss:

  • the gamification of fitness and the quantified self
  • Ars Technica’s Steam Gauge and Metacritic’s effect on Steam’s sales numbers
  • the next iterations of the Super Smash Bros. series
  • the E.T. landfill and how it’s no longer (or perhaps never was) an urban legend

Kind of a light news week. Or month. Or quarter. Seriously, there’s just not a whole bunch going on!!

Follow us on Twitter and subscribe or like or whatever it is this whole Facebook thing is about. If you’re just looking for our quality podcasts without all this fluff, you can do no better than by looking us up on iTunes and downloading straight from there. Questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms all fit nicely into our inbox, so why not shoot us an email? We pretend to read it every fortnight or so.

Next episode, we’re going to be talking about Cave Story+ and how it will melt your cold and dead heart. Be sure to read up on it and play it through if you’ve not done so in a while, as I’m sure we’ll have plenty to talk about. See you all then!
