Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 19: Here’s to You

April 01, 2014

Good afternoon everybody and welcome to another episode of Friendly Fireside Chats! I was going to write up a paragraph about stealthing about and being all sneaky, but it turns out we did that for Thief last time. I’m getting less and less clever with these things. I’m getting old! It’s like I’m from a time before these new fangled video games, from a time when war…when war was about some other guy still named Snake doing something very similar to modern day Snake doing stuff.

Aside from talking about Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (you did get all that, right?), we talk about:

  • Valve’s Free to Play documentary and what we think about it
  • the revving up of new engines, and their falling prices
  • the new Direct X 12 and AMD’s alternative to it

While this may be the start of our second season — wait a second, let me write that out all fancifully.

Ahem…While this may be the start of Friendly Fireside Chats: Season TWO, our lovely artist friend is out and about exploring Germany, so we don’t quite yet have new art. But we will!

Thanks for tuning in this week. We really appreciate it and we love hearing back from you guys. Send us an email and let us know what you’re thinking! Check us out on iTunes and make sure to follow us on Twitter, as Adam’s starting to stream a lot more with his fancy PS4. This might be why these casts take so long to get up these days. Like us on Facebook so you can be the first to hear everything you might kind of want to know about FFC.

We’re not exactly sure what game to play next, so we’re open for suggestions. Feel free to drop us a line or comment on any of our various web presences to let us know what you’re interested in seeing. Whatever we play next time, we’ll also be streaming some of the new Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze game, so be sure to check that out over on our Twitch. And since we’re on the subject, we beat Chrono Trigger last time! And I actually remembered to save the highlights! You can catch those over at Twitch or at our Youtube channel.

See you guys next time!
