Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 17: Rebirth of the Adventure

February 25, 2014

Greetings and salutations, sports fan! Depending on what background you have, you may have read that in the voice of a DotA caster or my high school principal. Either way, we’re glad you’re here. This week, Adam and McKee are taking a look at Double Fine’s doubly fine Broken Age, which if you’ve not had the pleasure, you might simply know as ‘that game that kick-started Kickstarter.’

Aside from jumping between teenagers and living out Adam’s fantasy of being a female, we talk about:

  • Ken Levine’s departure from and immediate closing of Irrational Games
  • the life and times of a particularly Flappy Bird and it’s fall from grace
  • the upcoming DotA movie/advert, Free to Play
  • some other things that I can’t remember because I’m posting this long after the original posting due to computers!

That’s that! Do us a favor and subscribe to us, or at least check us out, on iTunes, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and send us an email if you’ve got anything to say. We always love hearing from you.

For the next ‘cast, we will talk about the newly made Thief game and how it holds up to modern-day stealth games. I’m going to be posting that here in a few minutes. I’m listening to it now, matter o’ fact, and I gotta say, it’s a pretty good episode! See you all there.

