Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 16: Trouble In The House of Mario

February 11, 2014

What you’re looking at now is the first actual, factual episode of Friendly Fireside Chats of the new year! And, don’t you know it, we mucked it all up by not having a headliner to play. Well, not us so much as the video game industry at large. We still cover a few games, including Rogue Legacy, Trace Vector, the new Spelunky release and even a bit of Infinity Blade for you feeling nostalgic out there.

Besides that, we…well, I mean, what the hell did we even really talk about? Besides nothing at all specifically, we also talk about:

  • how badly Desura treats McKee
  • Nintendo’s Wii U woes
  • Valve putting the red light on Steam Greenlight
  • MAGFest and some indie gems from within
  • the fact that McKee totally didn’t play more DotA than Adam worked in 2013. Really, I didn’t!
  • a billion other things. Seriously, we’re all over everywhere this week.

Really though, it’s worth your time to listen and see what all we talk about. It’s a helluva spectrum. Grab the MP3 below or grab it through iTunes. Check us out on Twitter and on Facebook. Also, we’re totally interested in hearing from you, too. Information’s a two-way street, after all. Questions, comments, suggestions, or anything else, send us an email. We really like hearing from you guys.

For next episode, we’re going to be taking a look at Broken Age, the latest from Double Fine. Interestingly, this is the game that Tim Schafer went to Kickstarter to fund, which, for many, can be seen as the beginning as the Kickstarter revolution. Viva la revolución!

We’ll probably also be finishing up our Chrono Trigger run on Twitch. Because McKee’s a doofus, we don’t have the previous recordings. Sorry about that. All you missed, though, was McKee screwing around and generally being horrible at everything. We’ll definitely get these videos exported to YouTube next time.

