Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Special 02: The Year In Review

January 07, 2014


It’s the mooooost wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeeeear.

Welcome friends to what is simultaneously the last episode of 2013 and the first of 2014. Like the other special we’ve had, we’re not going to be talking about one game in particular, but rather a whole bunch of things…like all the games we’ve talked about. That’s right, we go through and give you guys a retrospective look at all the games we reviewed over the years. Not caught up on our ‘casts? Well, you will be soon. You’re welcome.

Other topics include:

  • McKee’s continued attempts to introduce gaming to non-gamers
  • PAX’s growing acceptance of other cultures and lifestyles
  • the hot new sequel to the Oculus Rift

And with that we say, goodbye 2013 and hello to the new year! But just because we’re in the future doesn’t mean things have changed. You can still grab the MP3 from below. iTunes still exists, so make sure to send us your love by subscribing there. Twitter and Facebook sure as hell aren’t going anywhere, so give us some feedback and some fanbase there, too! One cool thing about the future, though, is that you can now send your mail electronically, which, I mean…that’s totally awesome. So, send us your questions and comments and musings via this handy link. We’d love to read them.

On the same night we recorded this, we had the misfortune of playing through John Romero’s Daikatana. Or, at least as much as we could stand. I’d like to send you a link to check out the cast, but unfortunately, due to an error on’s part, we don’t have it anymore. It’s probably for the better. It was a truly terrible experience. Well, the game was at least. The streaming thing was a bit of fun and we might look into doing some more of it. Do any of you have suggestions for games to record/stream?

What games did you all enjoy over 2013? What are some games you’re looking forward to picking up in the coming year? What game should we review next? Help us out! PLEASE!

