Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 15: Items, Please

December 12, 2013

Welcome everybody to this week’s episode! Adam and McKee take a stroll down memory lane as they talk about their journeys in the incredibly nostalgic The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, or perhaps known better as Super LTTP2 HD Remix Arcade Edition. How does the first Nintendo game we’ve reviewed hold up? Does Link ever get out of that rock up there? Lend us your ear and all will be revealed.

Besides fairy boys in green, we also talk about:

  • fairy boys in blue! And then in red! They’re just so fashionable!
  • gaming with a new generation
  • Papers, Please
  • the current state of the new consoles

And that, as they say, is that. You can grab the MP3 from below. Or, if you’d prefer a more classic approach to podcasting, you’re welcome to grab it through iTunes. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Never forget, we like you too. If you’ve got questions, comments, or want to fuss at us about something that was totally Adam’s fault, send us an email. We also give out advice for free, so that’s neat.

On the next episode, we’ll be looking back at 2013 and then, if we have the fortitude, streaming John Romero’s instant classic Daikatana. Got a game you think we should talk about or a piece of news that you think is important or not spoken about enough? Let us know! Leave us a comment and let us know what you think.

