Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 13: The Bitstrips of June

November 13, 2013

Joining our heroes once again, Hollis discusses The Stanley Parable with Adam and McKee. Lend us your ear and join our three merry adventurers as they recount endless tales of betrayal, love and loss at the hands of the sometimes omnipotent and every so often omniscient narrator. Also, we get to chuckle as Adam attempts to make our microphones all sound not terrible.

Alongside having man-crushes on Kevan Brighting, topics of discussion include:

  • more Pokémon and how the SwapNote is not so great a vehicle for delivering crude drawings
  • Square Enix pulling some black numbers for the first time in a long while
  • why Microsoft selling the Xbox brand might not be a good idea
  • a whole mess of numbers, including how Steam has more users than Xbox Live and how console sales are, still, booming
  • G-Sync
  • seriously, we talk a long time

The MP3 is below for you to listen to as you please, but we’d really like for you to check us out on iTunes. While you’re at it, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and continue checking out this site here. That you’re on. Right now. Also, don’t hesitate to drop us a line or leave a comment on either this page or our Facebook page. We look forward to your input, both about the show and about how Stanley’s life has greatly and fundamentally changed your own.

Next up, we’ll be speaking on Bioshock Infinite’s expansion-slash-alternate-timeline-thing Burial at Sea, which came out almost anywhere you looked yesterday. We’ll see how the second coming of Rapture fares against the tides of modern gaming standards next time on Friendly Fireside Chats. Look forward to speaking with you.

