Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 12: Beyond Two Hosts

October 22, 2013


This week’s episode, Adam and McKee are joined by a guest, Hollis! Not to take anything away from Hollis, but it’s entirely because Adam is a lazy man who can’t be asked to play video games. What a terrible person. One more of these, Adam, and we’re sending you to Belize. Hollis and I discuss Beyond: Two Souls and how the interactive movie fares in a world of AAA games.

Aside from admiring Ellen Page, we also talk about:

  • Steam sharing beta
  • the castAR
  • the booming sales of consoles in the midst of GTA V and Wind Waker HD
  • Heavy Rain!

As always, the MP3 is below if you just hate supporting us on iTunes! Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook. Anymore questions or comments, you’re more than welcome to drop us a line. We look forward to hearing from you and please, don’t forget to post a comment to any of these places, letting us know what you think about us or what you think about Beyond: Two Souls.

Next time we record, we’ll be talking about The Stanley Parable, recently released on Steam. Grab it, play it, and we’ll talk to/at you next time on Friendly Fireside Chats!

