Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 10: A Tale Of Two Games

September 20, 2013

Excited to get your weekend started? We are too. And now that we’ve got our tenth (!!) episode out, you can start it with a blast! (No, really, go hang out with friends. We’ll be here when you get back. Forever waiting….we’re watching you.) On this week’s podcast, we face off against a story-driven double-header, first exploring Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and then diving into the creepy-not-so-creepy-but-actually-really-creepy Gone Home. Lend us your ear and discover how it was that Adam managed to give McKee insomnia in the short span of twenty minutes.

Besides ruining cute little games for you, we also talk about:

  • the Ouya and its PR troubles (I’m still not convinced we’re saying that name right)
  • the PS Vita TV
  • Steam library sharing
  • some TF2 nostalgia that warms McKee to the very core

Ten down, who knows how many more to go? If you’re still tuning in, you might as well subscribe to us on iTunes by this point. Kick your feet up, stay a while. You’re a regular. Follow us on Twitter and like us Facebook, too. As always, you’re welcome and encouraged to send us an email. Leave us some comments if you played Brothers or Gone Home, let us know what you think about it!

Next time we record, we’re going to be talking about Grand Theft Auto V and all of its man-shooting and car-stealing. Go out and buy it, it’s already making records! Play it, get well read and we’ll see you next time.

