Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 6: Dust to Dust

June 18, 2013

Rising from the ashes of laziness and the ever-inflexible life, like some kind of super penguin, Friendly Fireside Chats is here to present you with our newest ‘cast.  Our apologies, once more, for the delay.  This week we find our heroes reviewing Dust: An Elysian Tail and saying things nice and not so nice about it, ranging from ‘hey, it’s pretty good’ to ‘well, maybe the writing could’ve been better.’  Gripping stuff.  Tune in to get the scoop!

Aside from rambling about Dust (hey!  It’s pretty good!), we also bring up:

  • the Steam trading card beta and why you should give me your cards
  • the Oculus Rift and how 3D makes things better (and worse!)
  • the joys of flash farming fruits in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • some problems with the 3DS and how they might be solved

And that’s all for this week, unless of course there was a special episode recorded exclusively for E3.*  The MP3 for this week’s ‘cast is below, as always, but we’d much prefer you check us out via iTunes.  You can like us and subscribe to us on Facebook as well as follow us on Twitter.  The Oculus Rift video that we’ve been talking about will be showing up on YouTube in the next week or so, so do get excited for that. If you’re feeling non-committal about liking, following or subscribing to us on all this newfangled social media, a simple email should be enough to get your fix ’til our next episode.

*uh…that thing I just said.  Up there.  Should be up tomorrow or Thursday at latest.

