Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 4: Fezistential Crisis

May 16, 2013

After bravely having audio difficulties, after bravely stumbling through news stories, after bravely waiting for our audio guy to tell us our audio issues were easily fixable (thanks Larry!) and after bravely procrastinating last night so that I could do this in the morning, we’re happy to finally let you guys listen to this week’s episode of Friendly Fireside Chats! The meat of the cast is made up of us talking about Fez and how it’s probably a heap more intelligent than we are.

We’ve also got a few things to say about:

  • the always lovely Journey
  • Nintendo’s E3 plans
  • the train wreck that is Aliens: Colonial Marines
  • one developer’s interesting way of combatting piracy

And that’s that!  The MP3 is below as always, but it’d help us out greatly if you would check us out on iTunes.  While you’re at it, go the whole nine yards for us and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  We’ll be having some content up on YouTube sooner rather than later, so keep your eyes open for that. And finally, if you’re just not feeling connected enough yet, shoot us an email to fill that empty, Adam-and-McKee-shaped void in your life.

