Family Medicine & Pharmacy Podcast

Family Medicine & Pharmacy Podcast

Dyslipidemia 2: Lipid Lowering Medications

December 13, 2013

In this episode, we listed the life-style management of dyslipidemia and lowering cardiovascular disease risk, and dived into the main classes of medications for lipid lowering: statins, niacin, fibrates, resins, and cholesterol absorption inhibitors. As an important side note, the signs and symptoms of statin-induced myopathies were discussed as well.

CCS 2012 guidelines:

DASH diet

Portfolio diet

Mediterranean Diet

Coming up: AHA guidelines:

Drug information from:

  • Drug monographs
  • CPS:
  • Therapeutic Choices:
  • Rx Files:


The post Dyslipidemia 2: Lipid Lowering Medications appeared first on Family Pharm Podcast.
