Emotional Pro

Emotional Pro

Latest Episodes

June 30, Roger Lucas, DDS: More Chocolate, No Cavities (for Kids!) - Emotional Pro
July 01, 2016

I’ll bet you—like most of us—believe that cavities kids get are caused by sugar! “Not so,” says my guest for this week, Seattle-based Dr. Roger Lucas. Tooth decay in the young children of the US has become, over the past 30 years,

June 23, Beth Darnall, PhD: Less Pain, Fewer Pills - Emotional Pro
June 24, 2016

Have you, or someone you know, ever experienced chronic pain, for which you sought treatment from a doctor? Did you discover that your doctor knew exactly what to do to control the pain? Or, like most people,

June 16, Carolyn Hobbs: Inner Peace - Emotional Pro
June 16, 2016

Consciously Choosing Peace Over Problems! How many people do you know who accept the notion that “we all have problems,” and even, that “there’s no getting away from our problems”? Now, here’s Carolyn Hobbs suggesting we can CHOOSE to experience Peace ...

June 9, Lynn Robinson: Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity - Emotional Pro
June 09, 2016

You know “Universal wisdom” is available; but how do you connect with this inner Guide? Calling Intuition “a gift from the Universe,” bestselling author Lynn Robinson discusses everyone’s ability to cultivate intuition as an unwavering and reliable sou...

June 2, William Von Holst: Imre Vallyon’s “The Way Of The Spiritual Warrior: The Timeless Path To Enlightenment” - Emotional Pro
June 02, 2016

Discover the Way of The Spiritual Warrior! According to spiritual teacher and author Imre Vallyon, every human on earth is designed to be a Spiritual Warrior! Not a warrior in the traditional sense, but a warrior in the sense of developing and maintain...

May 26, Cathy Enoch: Feminine Rising - Emotional Pro
May 26, 2016

Experience the Wise Walk of the Balanced Feminine! Feminine energy is receptive, nurturing, and “inner.” What incredible times we’re living in, as Feminine energy comes forefront. How does “receptive, nurturing and ‘inner’” actually make its way to “fo...

May 19, Chaney Weiner: Because This is Your Life… - Emotional Pro
May 19, 2016

Come Examine the Legacy of Your Life with Us. Recently, I was asked to give a presentation on “legacy” to a group of children 5-7 years old! As I prepared, I talked with people about the concept of “legacy” and discovered there are LOTS of ways we look...

May 12, Lisa Lewtan: Busy, Stressed and Food Obsessed - Emotional Pro
May 12, 2016

May 12, Lisa Lewtan: Busy, Stressed and Food Obsessed “Superwomen” & “Supermen” Seek Relief from Attack! I don’t know about you, but when I’m busy and stressed, I tend to eat more “junk food” than at other times. In addition, it turns out,

May 5, Ronelle Wood, Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia - Emotional Pro
May 05, 2016

May 5, Ronelle Wood, Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia Who knew that we have something akin to a personal Fiber-Optic system inside every part of our body? Why do we have it? What does it do for us? What do we need to do for it?

Apr 28, Yol Swan: The Indigo Journals - Emotional Pro
April 28, 2016

Apr 28, Yol Swan: The Indigo Journals Are You a “Square Peg” Trying to Fit Into a Round Hole? If you’ve never heard about “Indigos,” it’s time you did. Especially if you are one yourself, but haven’t yet discovered it.
