Founding Word

Founding Word

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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 17
May 11, 2024

What is the unforgivable sin? It's given cute little labels such as Blaspheme Against The Holy Spirit but what does that mean? What sin could have possibly escaped the PAID IN FULL declaration that Jesus personally made before he died on the cross? MATTHE

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 16
May 10, 2024

An Abraham Lincoln quote from his HOUSE DIVIDED Speech was actually quoted first by Jesus in Matthew 12. After healing a mute demoniac, religious leaders accused Jesus of working for Beelzebub: The Pr

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 15
May 09, 2024

One of the most widely misunderstood quotes from Jesus is found in Matthew 8 where he speaks of casting children of the kingdom into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. What does that mean? He's not talking about Hell. MATTHE

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 14
May 07, 2024

Jesus touched upon several key doctrines that have become infamously quoted out of context on many occasion, JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED being among them. We'll explain all of these in context of Jesus' sermon, distinguishing fact from cliche'. MATTHEW, M

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 13
May 06, 2024

In Matthew 6, Jesus gave instructions on how to pray and specifically HOW NOT to pray. He stressed the importance of keeping it private between you and God and the importance of keeping it real without fake platitudes or repetitive phrases. MATTHEW, MARK,

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 12
May 05, 2024

Throughout Matthew's book, the Kingdom Of Heaven is tied directly to the future rule of Jesus over the Earth. Knowing this helps us understand what Jesus meant when he said, The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth. Who are the meek and what is the inheritance? M

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 11
May 04, 2024

This is Luke's record of the Sermon On The Mount. It's much shorter than what Matthew recorded. We will examine what Luke chose to single out, a list of blessings and woes and a difference between the

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 10
May 03, 2024

This one's a short and sweet little study. Nothing special except for the great massive throng of people that show up at the end to get healed. Plus it's a lot of fun watching Jesus purposefully spring a Sabbath Trap that the Pharisees tried to lay out fo

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 9
May 02, 2024

Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath day and proclaims equality with God in creation, power, authority and judgement. He introduces a new concept of Passover to the Pharisees and speaks of the dead (in 2 different ways) living after hearing his voice. MA

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 8
May 01, 2024

When Jesus made his way into Galilee, he was repeatedly confronted by demon-possessed individuals. When a land becomes filled with the worship of false gods, demonic possession soon overtakes it. We a