Conversations at the Washington Library

Conversations at the Washington Library

Ford Evening Book Talk: Paul Brandus

November 16, 2015

In this vivid, engaging book, Paul Brandus brings stories to life, combining presidents, the events of their time, and an oft-ignored major character, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue itself. From John Adams—the first president to live in the White House—to Barack Obama, the story of the White House is the story of America itself. Readers walk with Adams through the still-unfinished mansion and watch Thomas Jefferson plot to buy the Louisiana Territory. Feel the fear and panic as the British approach the mansion in 1814—and stand with Dolley Madison as she frantically saves a painting of George Washington. Gaze out the window with Abraham Lincoln as Confederate flags flutter in the breeze on the other side of the Potomac. Watch as one president is secretly sworn in and another gambles away the White House china in a poker game. Readers stand beside the First Ladies, too—Abigail Adams to Mary Lincoln to Jacqueline Kennedy—and, along the way, learn how advances in technology that changed the nation—telephones, electricity, radio, and more—changed the White House and the presidency forever. Through triumph and tragedy, boom and bust, secrets and scandals, Under This Roof takes you to the Situation Room, Presidential Bedroom, Oval Office, and more.
