Conversations at the Washington Library

Conversations at the Washington Library

CACI Chairman Dr. J. Phillip (Jack) London

July 27, 2014

Character: The Ultimate Success Factor is based on Dr. London’s personal, corporate, and military experiences, along with real-life examples. “I decided to write about character because of its central role in our personal, professional, and organizational success,†Dr. London says. “Character is a unique set of moral and ethical qualities that define what we believe in, what we stand for, and what we expect of ourselves and others. While a variety of factors form our abilities and influence the events in our lives, how individuals and organizations act on these qualities determines how far they will go.â€

Dr. London served as CACI’s President and Chief Executive Officer from 1984 to 2007, and is considered to be the founder of the modern-era CACI. A retired U.S. Navy Captain, Dr. London has received national industry leadership recognition that includes the Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Award from the Navy League of the United States, the John W. Dixon Award from the Association of the United States Army, and the Nathan Hale Award from the Reserve Officers Association. Dr. London has been inducted into the Washington Business Hall of Fame and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and Greater Washington GovCon Halls of Fame. Additionally, the HR Leadership Awards of Greater Washington presents the annual Dr. J.P. London Award for Promoting Ethical Behavior named in his honor.
