For A Green Future

For A Green Future

Latest Episodes

Episode 185: For A Green Future "Waste Not Want Nukes Not!" 082822 Episode 187
August 30, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about his experiences hanging out with atlatl throwers and flint knappers at the...

Episode 184: For A Green Future "Is It Really a Reduction Act?" 082122 Episode 187
August 24, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about his visit to western New York and myths surrounding electric cars and sola...

Episode 183: For A Green Future "Cormorant Massacre!" 081422 Episode 186
August 15, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about his wonderful experience on a week long primitive camping trip to the rewi...

Episode 182: For A Green Future "Opportunities to Close Prairie State Coal" 073122 Episode 184
August 04, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about the cancer epidemic, then interviews Uday Varadarajan about the Rocky Moun...

Episode 181: For A Green Future "Saving Forests is Elemental!" 072422 Episode 183
July 26, 2022

Joe DeMare remembers two friends who recently passed, Esther Clinton and Rick Rohan. Then gives s...

Episode 180: For A Green Future "Governor for Sale! Just $13,000!!" 071422 Episode 182
July 19, 2022

Joe DeMare rants about yet another show that glorified environmental destruction, "Truck Night In...

Episode 179: For A Green Future "New Battles for Old Growth!" 071022 Episode 181
July 13, 2022

Joe DeMare again refuses the tempting but unethical invitation to go fishing with Governor DeWine...

Episode 178: For A Green Future "Attack of the Hammerhead Worms!" 070322 Episode 180
July 07, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about the "Supreme" Court decision that prevents the Environmental Protection Ag...

Episode 177: For A Green Future "Tell Kaptur Don't Nuke the Future!" 062622 Episode 179
June 28, 2022

Joe DeMare talks about how The Toledo Blade always seems to be two stories behind For A Green Fut...

Episode 176: For A Green Future "Wild Virginia Vs Out of Control Feds" 061922 Episode 178
June 21, 2022

Joe DeMare gets trapped on the highway by a truck crash and is forced to broadcast the entire sho...
