For A Green Future

For A Green Future

Latest Episodes

For A Green Future "Getting There!" 110319 Episode 44
November 06, 2019

Daylight Savings Time explained and revealed to be a scam. Amy Mohr, Community Relations Director...

For A Green Future "Democracy Attacked!" 102719 Episode 43
October 30, 2019

Guest Luke Kasparian describes being harassed by blockers as he carried HB6 referendum petitions....

For A Green Future "Geothermal" 102019 Episode 42
October 21, 2019

The benefits of geothermal energy. Leatra Harper from the Freshwater Accountability Project tells...

For A Green Future! "Bacteria!" 101319 Episode 41
October 16, 2019

We discuss the power of bacteria. How one species of bacteria destroyed almost all life on Earth ...

For A Green Future "Fun with Wind and Sun!" 100619 Episode 40
October 08, 2019

Dr. Al Compaan describes the revolution in wind and solar power that makes them cheaper and more ...

For A Green Future "All Aboard! Trains!" 092919 Episode 39
September 30, 2019

Tim Porter tells us about the environmental, personal, and economic benefits of train travel vs. ...

For A Green Future "CHARGE! Battery Storage" 092219 Episode 38
September 23, 2019

Daryl Stockburger talks about utility scale batteries that can power entire cities. Houston is pr...

For A Green Future "Recycle All Plastics" 090819 Episode 36
September 12, 2019

Wood County recycles plastics 1-7. Hannah Smith, the Wood County Solid Waste District spokesperso...

For A Green Future "Labor!" 090119 Episode 35
September 12, 2019

The Labor/Environment connection is discussed on this special Labor Day edition of For A Green Fu...

For A Green Future "Earth On Fire!" 082519 Episode 34
August 29, 2019

Fires in the equatorial rainforest, AND in the tundra spell bad news for the planet. Joe gets att...
