For A Green Future

For A Green Future

Latest Episodes

Episode 140: For A Green Future "Save the Maumee!" 092621 Episode 142
September 28, 2021

Joe DeMare and Rebecca Wood discuss a wide variety of ecological topics from rags to lantern flie...

Episode 139: For A Green Future "Government by and for Energy Companies" 091921 Episode 141
September 21, 2021

Joe DeMare talks about a wide range of ecological topics, from the International Space Station to...

Episode 138: For A Green Future "Fire Is Our Friend!" 091221 Episode 140
September 14, 2021

Joe DeMare talks about how the EPA misled people after 9/11. Then he draws a link between tree cr...

Episode 138: For A Green Future "Fire Is Our Friend!" 091221 Episode 140
September 14, 2021

Joe DeMare talks about how the EPA misled people after 9/11. Then he draws a link between tree cr...

Episode 137: For A Green Future "Ecological Succession!" 090521 Episode 139
September 08, 2021

Joe DeMare talks about his fabulous trip to Letchworth, the best state park in the Nation. He als...

Episode 136: For A Green Future "Radioactive Infrastructure!" 082921 Episode 138
August 31, 2021

Joe DeMare tackles the question, "Who can you trust?" On this very special Rebecca Wood birthday ...

Episode 135: For A Green Future "Police Brutality in BC!" 082221 Episode 137
August 23, 2021

Joe DeMare brags about his garden and then interviews Joshua Wright of the Rainforest Flying Squa...

Episode 134: For A Green Future "Winging It!" 081521 Episode 136
August 17, 2021

Joe DeMare, fresh from a camping trip on the thumb of Michigan, has no time to prepare and has to...

Episode 133: For A Green Future "Dragon Boats Vs Pipelines!" 080821 Episode 135
August 10, 2021

Joe DeMare joyfully admits that he read a graph wrong. E. Joseph Oppegaard-Peltier III updates us...

Episode 132: For A Green Future "Davis-Besse Winning the Race to Meltdown!" 080121 Episode 134
August 04, 2021

Joe DeMare interviews Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear who tells us about Davis-Besse's most recen...
