Growth Reframed Podcast

Growth Reframed Podcast

Latest Episodes

Comparison, Contentment, and 2020 Vision
January 08, 2020

2020 is here! Can you believe that it is a new year?!? We always joke and say that once Halloween hits then you close your eyes and it is a new year. We are sure you have goals and hopes and dreams and visions for 2020. With a new year comes new...

Listen Up! Why Your Communication Skills Fall Flat and What to Do About It with Scott Miller
January 01, 2020

This week, we are so excited to have Scott Miller on the Fools in Love Podcast. Scott is a 23-year associate of FranklinCovey and serves as the executive vice president of thought leadership. Scott hosts multiple podcasts including FranklinCovey’s...

Building a Better Relationship with The Freeman's
December 18, 2019

This week on the Fools in Love Podcast, we’re so excited to welcome Aaron and Jocelyn Freeman.  The Freeman' s are authors, speakers, and relationship coaches. They have online relationship courses, a podcast, and are truly making a difference....

Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Work
December 11, 2019

On this episode of the Fools in Love Podcast, we are talking all about why New Year's Resolutions don't work. You know it’s true--New Year’s Resolutions hardly ever work. A little online research tells us various stats, but one I kept seeing was...

Life Lessons: Advice I'd Give My Younger Self
December 04, 2019

Recently we were talking about our life, marriage, and goals for the future and we started to reflect on what we wished we could tell our younger selves. I am sure all of you would love to go back in time and be able to tell yourself something that...

How to Work With Your Spouse
November 27, 2019

This week on the Fools in Love Podcast, we are talking all about how to work together. It used to seem like we were the only people crazy enough to do this, but as time goes on, we keep on encountering couples like us, who work together. So while...

Top Lessons We Learned at Rise Business
November 20, 2019

This week on the Fools in Love Podcast, we reflect on our weekend at Rise Business. We are breaking it down into bite size pieces and are sending you with the top takeaways from the conference.   Did you enjoy the show? If you liked it please...

It's About the Journey: Reflections of Our Half Marathon
November 13, 2019

This week on the Fools in Love Podcast, we're discussing the journey of our latest half marathon.  We talk about the obstacles we faced and reflect on how we have grown in ways we could have never imagined prior to lacing up our shoes.   Did...

The Road to Fulfillment Throwback with Dave Hollis
November 06, 2019

Today on the Fools in Love Podcast, we’re throwing it back to one of our favorite episodes with one of our favorite people, Mr. Dave Hollis. Dave is the CEO of the Hollis Co and Co-Host of the Start Today Morning Show. Dave takes us along on his...

"NO" is not a Bad Word
October 30, 2019

Do you ever feel like you can’t say no? We treat it like it’s this horrible, dirty word and even experience guilt for saying no. It makes us feel selfish and like we are only looking out for ourselves. But there is such a thing as being TOO NICE....
