Fog of War 40k Podcast

Fog of War 40k Podcast

Latest Episodes

FoW Episode 23 - Ork Tactics with Richard Kilton, Steven Pampreen, and Seth Oster
July 24, 2019

Hey guys, Adam and John with a solid episode for you this week. We have special guests Richard Kilton, Steven Pampreen, and Seth Oster to discuss orks.

FoW Episode 22 - John recaps ATC!
July 16, 2019

Hey everyone. Adam and John here for this week's episode. This we John goes through his team's games at ATC.

FoW Episode 21 - John and Dan talk ATC, Chaos, and AdMech...Oh My!
July 10, 2019

Hey everyone! John and Dan take on this weeks Episode. They talk all about ATC, where new Chaos Knights will fit into the competitive scene, and emerging armies for the summer!

FoW Episode 20 - News From Games Workshop and first look at Chaos Knights! Plus Some pre-ATC Talk
July 04, 2019

Hey guys! Adam and John here with this weeks episode. We do a good discussion on what is new from Games Workshop and some hobby updates, talk about my move to Huntsville, and ATC talk.

FoW Episode 19 - Master's City GT Recap with Richard Siegler and Cody Saults
June 26, 2019

Hey guys Adam and John with this weeks look at the Master's City GT. We bring on Top Table finalists Richard Sielger and Cody Saults to talk about the weekend.

FoW Episode 18 - Talking Necrons, the Underdogs! With Deno and Red
June 19, 2019

Hey Guys! Adam and John here with this week's episode. This week we take a look at a faction not talked about enough. Necrons are solid and we take a deep dive in to see why. We have Red Powell, reigning Necron ITC champ, and Deno Cedeño, 5-0 at Ala...

FoW Episode 17 - Custodes the NEW HOTNESS with Robert Chandler
June 06, 2019

Hey everyone! John and Adam here bringing Robert Chandler from Come The Apocalypse Podcast on the show tonight to talk about why Custodes are so damn good.

FoW Episode 16 - BAO shows Florida does have good players. Featuring John Lennon and Richard Siegler
May 29, 2019

Hey guys. Episode 16 we have two special guest - John Lennon and Richard Siegler each made the top 8 at BAO. I hope everyone enjoys us talking with them about their experience.

FoW Episode 15 - Post FAQ Meta
May 22, 2019

Hey everyone. Adam and John here and we spend this week's episode going over a bunch of list from this past weekend. We also talk about our goals that we talked about at the beginning of the 2019 ITC season.

FoW Episode 14 - Archon Skari talks Drukari and Warhammer Fest Previews
May 15, 2019

Hello everyone. This week we have a special guest Archon Skari joins us to give us everything Dark Eldar. We also discuss Warhammer Fest Previews. Enjoy!
