The Flowstate Principles Podcast

The Flowstate Principles Podcast

TFPP 058: A Vision Quest to Wholeness with Jiro Taylor

November 21, 2017

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My name is Jiro Taylor. This is a story of a recent journey or vision quest I created for myself.  A vision quest is a rite of passage, that in many cultures will involve separation from community, aloneness in nature, and perhaps a series of “ordeals” that evoke greater self-awareness.

This quest ticked all those boxes… and then some!

Chapter 1: Working with San Pedro & Connecting in with Nature

I had a ticket for Burning Man in the US. But something didn’t feel right. So I followed a call to drop into nature and ceremony, working with a plant teacher/ medicine, on sacred land.

I set the intention to heal some childhood stories that I could feel manifesting in present day relationships. I had a profound and joyful experience, but to get to the joy I had to do some deep inner work.

I was able to access memories that were buried under a thick crust.  This allowed me to approach the past from the present, and move trauma from my body through the light of awareness as well as copious amounts of laughing, whooping, shaking, moving, tree-climbing, crying, singing, swimming and BEING.

By the final day, I felt so light and free. I felt Wild.

There was an Eagle circling high above me. I instantly began “craughing”- my new word for laughing and crying at the same time. (It’s awesome).

Such deep gratitude for the plant teacher and those who serve it with such integrity and wisdom. And for those who journeyed with me to these other realms to be part of each others healing.

Key Lessons:

* In the present I heal the past
* The external world is a mirror of what lies within
* Healing and growth simply arises when one removes the “static” of lower frequency emotions and thoughts. Its always there. Natures frequency.

Chapter 2: My Birthday & the Toad

I came back home to spend my birthday with my wife and friends.

We had a drums, didgeridoo, guitars… and loads of food.. and a fire of course.  I received an “honouring”- each friend speaking about what they saw in me that gave them inspiration. I shared a few words from my heart about Tribe… and the very special feeling of being part of one.

The next morning a brother turned up out the blue. A unique and beautiful human. He brought 2 gifts.
One was a striking Mallee root from the desert… the other was an invite to journey with the “Hallucinogenic Toad Prophet“.

I’ll go deeper into this one day, but for now lets say that journeying with the Toad (5Meo -DMT- the most powerful of all psychedelics I believe) was powerful.

It was the fusing of all polarities, and a clear reminder of my power to transcend all divisions and separation in life.

As I came to lucidity I felt re-born on this forest floor… like I was seeing my body and the earth with fresh eyes. The experience of the unconditioned state, although fleeting, has left me with a renewed awareness of the subtleties of my conditioning and the path ahead to enduring higher states.

Key Lessons: 

* You are God… so am I. So is everyone. Let’s be cool with that.

Chapter 3: The Frog

The invitations just kept popping up… so the very next day I traveled to journey with another “teacher spirit” from the Amazon, Kambo.

This is a legal substance, a poison harvested from a Frog. The legend goes that the village Medicine man in the Amazon,
