Fitness In No Time

Fitness In No Time

Episode 006: ABC

June 10, 2020

The ABC’s of fitness is as important as the ABC’s of life. The ABC’s stand for Agility, Balance, and Coordination. These three skills are essential in the sports scene, as well as in our daily lives. Give this workout a try to see if you've mastered your ABC's. 

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Workout: 3 different exercises that will work one or more skillsEquipment: chair, about 5 feet of clear area, mat (optional)- One leg chair reach- Chair Sit and Go- Quadripeds

Intro/Outro Music: “A Mistake” (Instrumental Version) Artist: Particle House

Workout Music: “Calabasas Cruise Control” Artist: Forever Sunset, “Lasers And Stuff” Artist Tigerblood Jewel, “Tightrope” (Instrumental Version) Artist: Wellmess 

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