Fitness In No Time

Fitness In No Time

Episode 002: Move Your Legs

May 13, 2020

There’s no reason why your legs can’t be moving while you’re at a desk or just standing around at home. In this episode I’ll lead you through a mini circuit for your lower body. You can do this sitting or standing. Just be careful if you start doing this while driving.

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Workout: 15 seconds, 2 rounds
Equipment: None
- Step In Place
- Heel Raises
- Right Knee Raises
- Left Knee Raises
- Out-Out-In-In
- Leg Curl Right
- Leg Curl Left
- Toe Lifts

Intro/Outro Music: “A Mistake” (Instrumental Version) Artist: Particle House
Workout Music: “The Beat Will Set You Free” Artist: Duckmaw

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