First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

Latest Episodes

Jesus: King
December 23, 2019

Jesus is King! Not the message you typically hear at Christmas. This time of year, it’s about a baby. It’s about Mary and Joseph, Shepherds, and Wisemen. But, this little baby is King. He is the King of all Kings!

Jesus: Prophet
December 09, 2019

God has come. That is the message of Christmas. He became a man, but not just any man. He was the fulfillment of God’s plan. This week we started a three week series focusing on three particular roles Jesus fulfilled. Jesus was a prophet. A prophet

Kindness in an Age of Cruelty, Part V
December 02, 2019

We concluded our “Kindness” series this week with guest speaker Bob Greene. Bob shared his story with us and what God has taught him on kindness.

Kindness in an Age of Cruelty, Part IV
November 25, 2019

There are two systems. The system of man, and the system of God. We are naturally inclined to the ways of man, but Jesus offers a new and better way. We are a new creation in Christ. We are not only “saved”, but we are changed. Our whole system is re

Kindness in an Age of Cruelty, Part III
November 18, 2019

The tongue. It’s such a small part of us, but yet it can be so destructive. Words can tear down a person. The Bible has a great deal to say about gossip and slander. It’s not just a “little sin”, it’s a big deal!

Kindness in an Age of Cruelty, Part II
November 11, 2019

The God of the Old Testament and the God in the New Testament are the same. That’s the truth, but for many this has been a hard concept to accept. In the Old Testament there is a great deal of judgement from God, while in the New Testament we see kindne

Kindness in an Age of Cruelty
November 04, 2019

How are we supposed to see God? Throughout God’s Word there are multiple attributes and names given for God. It’s easy in a cruel world to view God as a cruel God. But, He is a good God. He is kind! God desires relationship with His people. He is gr

It's Not You, It's Me - Jesus
October 28, 2019

God has an assignment for us. We are called to be salt and light in the world. We are to carry the message of forgiveness, grace, and mercy to others. This is completely up to us right? Well, no. It is our responsibility, but it’s not all on us. God

The Secret That's Not So Secret
October 21, 2019

There is a big secret that we often forget as Christians. Actually, we forget this secret. The big secret: God is the one that draws people to Himself. Yes, he uses us, but He is the one that does the work. Our job is to cooperate with the workings o

Do You Want to Fish or Do You Want to Catch?
October 14, 2019

There are three types of fishermen. Those that talk about fishing, but never do it. Those that fish, but never catch. And finally those that actually catch fish. The Bible has called us to be “fishers of men”. We’ve been called, we’ve been equipped,
