First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

Latest Episodes

Take a Chance
November 09, 2020

Chance. The word itself involves risk. There is something else, but it is undefined. It is attainable, but it's not certain. All of the questions of "what if" suddenly appear. But, one thing is certain, without taking some risks, things will never ch

Being Kind in an Unkind World
November 02, 2020

People are challenging. We are all a mix of our emotions, backgrounds, personalities and experiences. Because of this, conflict is the natural consequence. How do we live in a world that is so opinionated? As a spirit-filled Christ follower, how are w

Jesus is Coming
October 26, 2020

The foundation was laid in the Old Testament. The cross bridged the gap, the church continues as the body of Christ today. And one day, Jesus is coming again!

Why Leaders Fall
October 19, 2020

It happens all the time. Another leader that was once greatly respected falls into a major scandal or a moral failure. Why? What is the root of the issue? This is a message not just to leaders, but for everyone. What can we do to prevent the collapse

Build Bridges Not Walls
October 12, 2020

We have two choices. We can build a bridge or we can build a wall. Bridges connect, Walls divide. Bridges bring people together, Walls separate.

October 05, 2020

How is the foundation of your life? Is it hardened or is it plowed and ready for growth? What seeds are you sowing? God is always at works and doing His part, but He also asks us to put a hand on the plow. Maybe it's time to take a risk and till the s

Treasures in Heaven
September 28, 2020

Stuff. We all have lots of it. But, when it is all said and done, when this life is over, what will you have left? What is of lasting value?

Spiritual Renourishment
September 21, 2020

Last week, we focused on the health of the body and mind. This week, we continue with the Spirit. This year has been trying to say the least. On top of the pandemic, we have now gone through a hurricane. It's time for a little Spiritual Renourishment.

Body Renourishment
September 14, 2020

In an emotional year like this, it is easy to just give up in so many ways. One of those ways is with our health. But, the body is so closely associated with the mind, the emotions, and even our spiritual walk. This week, Dr. Tim Boyett gave us some in

Progression of Reminders
September 07, 2020

It's a crazy year. The words unprecedented and historical have been mentioned. For many this year has been a challenge emotionally and physically, and even spiritually. For the next three weeks we are going to focus on these three topics. Our emotiona
