First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

First Baptist Church Gulf Breeze

Latest Episodes

Expand Your Territory
June 14, 2021

God has more for His people than we can possibly imagine. How much can He do in a life that is fully committed? Could it be that the "more" is available right now, but just needs to be asked for? When the purposes in our hearts align with the purposes

It's All About the Gospel
June 07, 2021

There are churches everywhere. There are Christians all around the world. But, what makes a church a church? What makes a Christian a Christian? It all comes down to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Prodigal Son
May 31, 2021

It's the story of a wayward son, but it's really more a story of a loving father. Even in rejection the father continued to love. Every parent knows this kind of love. No matter where your son or daughter goes. No matter what they do. No matter how f

May 24, 2021

It's a mad, mad world. Drive around for five minutes on a busy road and you'll see the rage come out. Why is everyone so mad? Anger is deep-rooted. Anger grows and grows. We have to deal with anger before anger deals with us.

The Same God
May 17, 2021

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That never changes. The things He did in the past, He can and will do in the future. Nothing catches God off guard. He is above all things. He is infinite. He is above time and location. Yet, we live

The Secret Sauce | Part Five
May 10, 2021

Do you know why you were created? What is your purpose on this planet? Life is a continual revealing of God's purposes in us and for us. Along the path new directions are taken. But, each step builds on the last. So, what do you do now? You do the "

The Secret Sauce | Part Four
May 03, 2021

We need each other. The Christian life is not intended to be a solo venture. Part of the "secret sauce" is being a part of something bigger than us. It's receiving from others and giving to others. We are to love each other deeply!

The Secret Sauce | Part Three
April 26, 2021

Every believer has been gifted. Each person is unique. Our giftedness is mixed with our personality and experiences. No two people are alike in their makeup. God has created it this way intentionally. We need each other. Left alone, we are missing p

The Secret Sauce | Part Two
April 19, 2021

Everyone needs a purpose. Without purpose life feels meaningless. In a world that promotes self, maybe we have been pursuing this the wrong way. Could it be that the way to find what we have been wanting, we need to focus outward? Putting our attentio

The Secret Sauce
April 12, 2021

Every one of us have many similarities. We have emotions, we have drives, we have goals, we have physical bodies, we have dreams. Yet, we are all also unique. Every single person has a distinction that makes them who they are. Have you ever thought ab
