Finley's My Little Pony Podcast

Finley's My Little Pony Podcast

Latest Episodes

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 43 Ya Got Trouble, Right Here in Ponyville
November 06, 2016

Finley boards her Tardis and hops around the pony timeline on this week’s episode of Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast.  Finley decides to delay talking about the 14th episode of the second season and skips straight to “The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000″

Finley's My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 42 Let Them Eat Cake
October 29, 2016

Finley welcomes two new little fillies to Ponyville in Episode 42 of the podcast.  In edition to recounting the early adventures of Pound and Pumpkin Cake in the episode “Baby Cakes” of My Little Pony, Finley also discusses her favorite podcast that isn’

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 41 Thesaurus the Talking Dinosaur
October 11, 2016

On this week’s episode of the podcast, Finley reemerges from her trip through YouTube but doesn’t completely leave world of pony conspiracy theories behind.  In reviewing episode 12 of season 2, “Family Appreciation Day”, we learn the secret history of P

Finley's My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 40 The Podcast Goes Down the Youtubes
October 02, 2016

Finley celebrates her 40th episode by venturing into the wilds of Youtube to see what pony-related matter tickles her fancy.  And what she comes up with is a pair of videos that come at pony fandom from two entirely different directions. In this episode,

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 39 Planet of the Ponies
September 18, 2016

On Episode 39 of Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast, a significant amount of time is spent huddling in Finley’s Head Cannon Corner.  Finley takes the opportunity to probe the secret origins of the ponies when she reviews the “Hearth’s Warming Eve” and disco

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 38 Cake for the Brat
September 11, 2016

Finley returns to the podcast booth from her frenetic final days of summer to resume her Herculean effort to recount the ongoing stories for the My Little Pony.  This time around, Finley takes on the 10th episode of season 2, “Secret of my Excess.”  Finl

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 37 Meet Cloud Toucher, the Saddest Pony
August 21, 2016

On the 37th edition of the podcast, Finley talks us through the second season episode “Sweet and Elite” while also explaining why she isn’t quite ready to take that summer job as a lifeguard yet.  Finley also muses on the link between cutie marks and pre

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 36 I am the Mare Do Well
August 13, 2016

My Little Pony begins to assemble its version of the Justice League as they introduce the Mysterious Mare Do Well, a masked avenger with a talent for bringing the worst among their ponykind to their knees.  Finley asks her brother to join her on this wee

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 35 Hawks Are Known For Being Good Sports
August 02, 2016

Can you hear us now? Episode 35 brings the audio quality for the podcast back up to its normal level of bad instead of last week’s awful.  Additionally Finley ranks all of he pony pets (from best to cat), gives Twilight a break, and finds out that

Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast - Ep. 34 The Dude’s Cutie Mark
July 25, 2016

After 33 episodes of Finley’s My Little Pony Podcast, you would think we would have gotten the hang of how to record these things.  But instead, Episode 34 of the Podcast hits a new low in sound quality so apologies all around for the rough sound coming
