Hustle to Financial Freedom

Hustle to Financial Freedom

Manage Spending & Goal Setting with Ericka Young (Tailor-Made Budgets)

June 16, 2020

Today we are hanging out with Ericka Young.
Ericka and her husband paid off nearly $100,000 of debt in the first 5 years of their marriage.
After paying off her debt Ericka went to Nashville to train with Dave Ramsey and his team to become a financial coach to assist others in getting out of debt.
Ericka is the author of the book Naked and Unashamed – 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have.

* 00:44 – Intro
* 01:18 – Ericka’s Financial Freedom Journey
* 04:57 – Why we are in debt…
* 07:42 – Goal Setting
* 12:29 – Social Media’s Impact
* 14:28 – Finding Money in Your Budget/Managing Spending
* 23:43 – Goal Setting Continued
* 28:02 – Hidden Expenses of Buying a House
* 29:17 – Planning Out the Monthly Spending
* 33:32 – Couple’s Money Conversation
* 39:06 – Rapid Fire: Share an internet resource like Mint with the Financial Freedom Community
* 41:01 – Rapid Fire: What is your favorite financial blog?
* 42:02 – Rapid Fire: What is one financial book that everyone should read?
* 44:26 – Contacting Ericka

Resources & Links:

* Financial Freedom Community
* Financial Freedom Community Facebook Group
* Naked and Unashamed – 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have
* Mint
* Quicken
* RetailMeNot
* Dave Ramsey
* Darren Daily
* Money Saving Mom
* The Millionaire Next Door
* Tailor-Made Budgets
* Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Thanks for listening!
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Reviews on iTunes are incredibly helpful and very much appreciated! I personally read every one of them. Feel free to share your information there so I can reach out and say thanks.
Thanks again!
*Intro and outro music is provided by Michael Cat Audio
