Hustle to Financial Freedom

Hustle to Financial Freedom

The Financial Nuances of the LTBTQ Community with David Auten and John Schneider (Debt Free Guys)

March 25, 2018

Today we are chatting with David Auten and John Schneider.
David and John have over 30 years of combined experience in finance and are more commonly known as the Debt Free Guys.
They specialize in and are the only gay couple talking about money and the queer community. They blog over at and can be heard weekly on the Queer Money Podcast.

* 01:06 – Intro
* 01:31 – David & John’s Financial Freedom Journey
* 06:52 – “The Gay Cliché”
* 08:51 – Momentary Happiness vs. Long-term Happiness
* 18:42 – Making a Financial Shift
* 32:42 – Financial Advice for the LGBTQ Community
* 39:31 – LGBTQ Financial Discrimination
* 46:34 – Contacting David and John

Resources & Links:

* 7 Legitimate Ways To Make Money From Home
* Financial Freedom Community
* 4: The Four Principles of a Debt Free Life by David Auten and John Schneider
* Queer Money Podcast
* Facebook: DebtFreeGuys
* Twitter: DebtFreeGuys
* Pinterest: debtfreeg

Thanks for listening!
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Reviews on iTunes are incredibly helpful and very much appreciated! I personally read every one of them. Feel free to share your information there so I can reach out and say thanks.
Thanks again!
*Intro and outro music is provided by Michael Cat Audio
