Financial Aid Podcast

Financial Aid Podcast

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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Paying for Grad School, Part Two
March 29, 2010

This is the second installment in a three-part blog series on paying for grad school. This week, we cover scholarships and federal loans.

Historic Victory for Student Aid Is Tinged by Lost Possibilities (Chronicle of Higher Education)
March 26, 2010

"For all the drawn-out battle over the landmark student-loan bill, the measure will result in limited gains, providing only a portion of the money the president had sought for some of his key higher-education goals," Chronicle of Higher Education reports.

Change is in the Air for Federal Student Aid
March 26, 2010

Short and simple, the passing of this bill in Congress is a win for every student in America.

FRA Scholarship Program
March 26, 2010

FRA is proud to support America's future leaders by awarding more than $100,000 annually in scholarships to deserving student. Awardees are selected based on financial need, academic standing, character and leadership qualities.

Credit vs. Debit
March 25, 2010

Credit cards, though notorious as being credit ruiners in irresponsible hands, are financial tools.

How to Get Rid of a Late Student Loan Payment
March 25, 2010

A late student loan payment can result in unsightly fees and damage to your credit score. Here are some ways to avoid paying late, and how to dispute an unfair late charge.

South Dakota: Democrats Decry Scholarship Veto (Sioux Falls Argus Leader)
March 25, 2010

"Democratic legislative leaders Wednesday criticized Gov. Mike Rounds' veto of a bill designed to provide college scholarships to students based on need, saying the governor acted disingenuously in killing the measure," the Sioux Falls Argus Leader report

Can federal loans cover my off-campus housing?
March 25, 2010

Can the federal loans you are currently using for a dorm be used for an off-campus apartment? Fortunately, the answer is yes.

Is Consolidation an Inflation Buster?
March 25, 2010

What is the first rule of finance? Money is worth more to you now than it ever will be to you in the future. This is true in a strictly logical sense and in an emotional sense; don’t you feel calmer, less stressed out if you know you have more money

Federal loan package not enough? What now?
March 24, 2010

If you have recently been disappointed with your financial aid award letter, you might be left wondering how you can cover some of the costs of tuition. What if the federal Stafford loan simply isn't enough?