The Financial Harmoney Podcast

The Financial Harmoney Podcast

Latest Episodes

#48 – What’s The Real Advantage of Investing?
November 09, 2021

#48 What's The Real Advantage of Investing?Ever wondered what all the fuss about investing is? Or why you should consider it as one of the ways to generate more wealth and freedom for you and your family?In this episode of the Financial Harmoney P

#47 – How to Overcome Shame in 3 Steps
November 01, 2021

#47 How to Overcome Shame in 3 StepsDo you ever feel ashamed about money? And I mean especially about your current financial situation, your financial habits or decisions you've made (or not made) in the past?In this episode of the Financial Harmo

#46 – Going Paperless
October 25, 2021

#46 Going PaperlessIf you're ever tired of the amount of papers in your house taking up space and collecting dust, have you ever considered going paperless and getting all your important documents digitalized?In this episode, I talk about getting

#45 – Organize Your Financial Paperwork in 4 Steps
October 19, 2021

#45 Organize Your Financial Paperwork in 4 StepsClick here for your free download with this episodeWhen you think about your financial paperwork, how do you feel? Overwhelmed by the amount of papers that are still waiting to

#44 – Multiplying your Money
October 11, 2021

#44 Multiplying Your Money Are you multiplying your money? Or do you only have money stacked away in your savings with close to 0% interest rates on it? If so, you're probablynot making any extra money on your savings. In fact, you're most like

#43 – What are You Afraid of?
October 04, 2021

#43 What are You Afraid of? Find out more about the October 30 Days ChallengeIn this latest episode of the Financial Harmoney Podcast, I'd really like to invite you to think about what you are afraid of. Or better said: what

#42 – I’ve set myself a challenge. Will you too?
September 27, 2021

#42 - I've set myself a challenge. Will you too?Find out more about the October 30 Days ChallengeI recently listened to a podcast episode by Russell Brunson and he talked about how if you really want to make an impact and create a successful online

#41 – The Advantages of Experiencing Financial Organization
September 20, 2021

#41 The Advantages of Experiencing Financial OrganizationClick here for your free download: Kickstart your BIG dream in 10 StepsThe last few weeks have been really "bleh" for me. Apart from launching my course (which has been a great learning exp

#40 – When Things Don’t Go The Way You Want
September 13, 2021

#40 When Things Don't Go The Way You WantDo you ever have one of those days, weeks or just prolonged periods of time when EVERYTHING just seems to go against you? When you deal with setback after setback? (I bet you do by the way, this is merely a

#39 – What is Stopping You From Taking Action
September 06, 2021

#39 What is Stopping You From Taking ActionWhat is stopping you from taking action? Whether that's starting your own biz on the side, buying your dream house or saving for that trip around the world. Why aren't you pursuing your dream?I
