The Financial Harmoney Podcast

The Financial Harmoney Podcast

#39 – What is Stopping You From Taking Action

September 06, 2021

#39 – What is Stopping You From Taking Action

What is stopping you from taking action? Whether that's starting your own biz on the side, buying your dream house or saving for that trip around the world. Why aren't you pursuing your dream? 

In this episode of the Financial Harmoney Podcast, I want to challenge you to be honest with yourself and discover your answer to this question. As once you know why you are or aren't doing something, it'll be easier to work on the obstacle in your way and take the first step to shift from being stuck to finally taking action. 

After listening to this episode you'll know:

4 Common reasons you might not be taking action

How to deal with each of these excuses

Check out the episode straight away and start taking action today! 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Kickstart your dream life in 10 steps

Free Masterclass: The 3 Secrets to Creating Your Best Financial Life

Online course: Financial Dream Life Master Plan


