The Financial Harmoney Podcast

The Financial Harmoney Podcast

#19 – Example Dream Life Scenarios and Their First Steps

April 19, 2021

#19 - Example Dream Life Scenarios and Their First Steps

Download the "First Steps to These Big Dreams" here

As a financial author and mentor there are few things in life I feel more passionate about than helping others achieve their financial dreams. Whether that’s setting up for an early retirement, buying the house of your dream or a trip around the world (when that is possible again).For me, my dream life would consist of the following three things:Having a house with a big garden (min 1.000m2) for my dogs (I’ve go 3 rescues) to run, play and dig in. Earning enough from my online business to be in complete control of my time (when and where I work).Providing awesome value to clients, helping them achieve their financial dream life and feeling incredible passion doing so. That’s my success picture.Of course, YOUR dream life can be whatever you want it to be. In today’s episode of my podcast I look at 8 example big dreams AND I talk about the very first step for every single one of them that you can take today in order to start you off on your journey to creating your awesome life. If you have a big dream but haven’t yet been able to get started OR if you’re stuck for ideas and can do with some inspiration to flesh out your dream life, then make your way over to the episode right now! Or if you prefer to get the short and sweet version (I don’t recommend this as I think there’s a lot of value in listening to the whole episode, but hey you might be pressed for time!), you can grab the cheat sheet for the episode where I’ve outlined the main ideas and first steps for each one.The big dreams I talk about include: starting your own business, buying the house of your dreams and achieving financial independence. So make sure to check it out and even if your dream isn’t in my list, then I 100% know you’ll still find it very useful to get your own first steps identified.You got this!

Links mentioned in this episode:Kickstart your dream life in 10 stepsRegister for the FREE online mini course on the 7 income streams as well as the course workbookEpisode 5 - increase your earnings with the secrets of the 7 income streams.Episode 18 - How to create more happiness and joy 


