Rise of the Filmtrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Filmmaking Podcast with Alex Ferrari

Rise of the Filmtrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Filmmaking Podcast with Alex Ferrari

FT 055: Confessions of an Ex-Distributor Turned Filmmaker with Jeff Deverett (CROSSOVER)

July 06, 2020

I'm so excited to bring this episode to the Filmtreprenuer Tribe I can barely contain myself. This episode is a CROSSOVER EVENT with the Indie Film Hustle Podcast. The info was so good I had to share it with the FT Tribe.

Today on the show we have ex-distributor turned filmmaker Jeff Deverett. Jeff reached out to me after reading my book Rise of the Filmtrepreneur: How to Turn Your Indie Film into a Moneymaking Business. He wanted to tell me that the book hit the nail on the head and that my film distribution chapter was right on.

I came to find out that he was an ex-distributor and had was on that side of the business for 20 years.

After this episode, you will know "where the bodies are buried."  As Jeff said on the show

"It's not the film distributors want to screw over filmmakers is it just happens organically."

This episode is going to be EPIC. Sit back and get ready to have your mind blown. Enjoy my conversation with Jeff Deverett.
