Film Role Podcast

Film Role Podcast

"Risqué" - Episode 70

August 17, 2017

The Film Role guys are back to talk about the absolute best family dinner table conversation, sexy/risqué/almost-porn scenes in film! With such classics as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (weird first pick, Brandon), Poetic Justice, Titanic, Cruel Intentions and many, many more. Justyn is still out on tour with Pseudo Future, but will return next episode- so we had Thomas on, back from the grave! Good luck finding any films/scenes we missed, ya perverts.

The news bits we covered on today's show were:


Fantastic. This film deserves every award and commendation it's received thus far.

Virginia governor to white nationalists: 'Go home ... shame on you'

This was more of a discussion on the protests and terrorist attack in Charlottesville, where an innocent person was murdered by a Neo-Nazi domestic terrorist. There is no place for you hateful bigots in this world, please begin pulling your weight for the betterment of the human race or exit with dignity.

The Shower Thoughts we covered were:

"When it's raining, does anyone else look at other cars windshield wipers to see if you're overreacting?" - u/moooooogoogaipan

I'm more interested in that username, brah.

"If the whole 'penis size having something to do with shoe size' thing is true, then my crippling fear of clowns just got worse." - u/JPree

Don't even get me started on what their nose shape means...

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Intro music: Quite Some Time by Pseudo Future.
