figureFIT! Lifestyle Coaching Podcast

figureFIT! Lifestyle Coaching Podcast

#7 Energy System Training

October 08, 2015

In this episode you will learn:

How to spend less time in the gym and get more results. 
Why it's important to start where you are.
What are the body's energy systems (Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP-CP), Glycolytic, Oxidative)
Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Better Metabolism
Understand Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
How only (3) 1-hour workouts per week could actually help you burn fat, make you stronger, faster, and have a better metabolism. 
Cardio, Weight Lifting, High-Intense Interval Training when to do it all and WHY
What type of Athlete are you... ATP, Glycolytic, or oxidative? 
Examples on How to Train Your Systems
Marathon runner? Learn how you can take 10-30 mins off your marathon time. 
You're Invited to sign up for the 90-Day Transformation to see how to train your energy systems. 
Get your MACROS calculated HERE. This is the amount of fats, protein, and carbohydrates you should be eating every day. 

