The Fermentation Podcast » Podcast Feed

The Fermentation Podcast » Podcast Feed

Episode 1 - Welcome to The Fermentation Podcast!

July 18, 2014
Episode 1 – Welcome to The Fermentation Podcast!

Welcome to the first episode of The Fermentation Podcast!

I want to welcome you to The Fermentation Podcast. I never thought I’d ever create a podcast but I feel in the fermentation space there’s a gap of knowledge and community that appears to be missing in the mainstream. I hope to get people excited about fermentation and everything related to it.

I bring a wrinkle to the subject as I have been vegan for the past 9 years, but that isn’t stopping me from wanting to make sure the knowledge gets out there about how to ferment in all its shapes and forms because I think the information is invaluable and truly empowering. With my passion for fermented foods, permaculture, liberty, homesteading, and a general sense that people are really desiring to “go back to the good old days,” I hope to bring more awareness to the ancient art of fermenting foods, beverages, general food preservation, and the amazing flavors and aromas that come with fermentation.

Being able to take care of yourself and create things on your own without the help of the corporatocracy and government adds one more arrow to your quiver of living a life free from the systems that are constantly breeding dependence and ignorance.

I don’t proclaim to know everything but will be learning everything I can right alongside you and I want to share this journey with you!


  • The process of fermentation, what happens, and is this just another life cycle?
  • Who am I, how did I get into fermentation, and what are some of the things I’ve fermented?
  • My background experience in work, permaculture, and photography
  • What does my political philosophy have to do with fermentation and why it’s important
  • What do I want to accomplish with this show?
  • A brief overview of some of the topics I want to talk about on this show including
  • Understanding the microbial world
  • Common Techniques of food preservation
  • Basic equipment
  • Fermented foods and beverages

    • Vegetable ferments
    • Fruit ferments
    • Fermented grains or starchy roots
    • Fermenting beans, nuts or seeds (or the family of plant proteins)
    • Fermenting dairy products into things like cheese, whey, yogurt, kefir, viili, or butter
    • Alcoholic products like beer, wine, or others that start to create a good amount of alcohol
    • Meat products or eggs

  • Dangers of fermentation
  • Fermentation in human history
  • Starting a fermentation business
  • Permaculture and why it’s important
  • Community or what I like to think of as “cultureâ€
  • Show structure and ideas
  • Having people on for interviews
  • Member’s support and how I can fund The Fermentation Podcast


I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s show so be sure to comment below or if you have an idea for the show, email me at paul at or just click on the Contact button on top of this page and fill out the form. I look forward to hearing from you!
