Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

341: Trauma Bonds: How Do I Know If I'm In One? Plus, How Do I Get Out & Stop Attracting Them!?
November 30, 2023

This episode is juicy, my friends. And ooooft! I have a feeling its going to set a LOT of people free, and change the trajectory of many of our relationships forever. Whether you believe youre in a trauma bond or not, this episode is a GAME CHANGE

340: Breaking Down The 3 Tangible Steps On *HOW* To Call In Your Person
November 30, 2023

Manifesting your perfect cherry on top of your already gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free cupcake.In this episode, Monica covers: What people really mean when they say you have to love yourself to call him in Why you have to trust divine

339: Everything You Need To Know About Black Friday 2023!!!
November 17, 2023

Tune in to hear how and why this is the JUICIEST Black Friday that Monica has ever done, and most likely will ever do, on allllllll of her courses / masterclasses [please note: this will not include Queen Alchemy, 1:1 coaching, HER, or the Immersion]. ***

338: How To Get Your Man To “Do The Work” Without Emasculating, Mothering, & Nagging Him To Death
November 15, 2023

***And what you might be doing wrong thats actually pushing him farther away from it***Have you tried to get your man to read all the self-development books with you?To for the love of god, please go to this mens retreat because itll change your li

337: Embracing Single Season & Romanticizing Your Life (Listen Even If You're In A Relationship!!)
November 08, 2023

Whether youre single or in a longterm, fully committed relationship this episode is going to leave you dripping in ALL of the ways you can start to fall more in love with this season of your life. Monicas giving you the lowdown on how to make sure tha

336: How To Clear Your Fear Of Being Seen - Why It’s Blocking You From Love, Success, Joy, Abundance, & Actually Receiving Your Manifestations
November 01, 2023

Todays episode is a LONG time coming because Monicas unpacking the most underrated fear that we all carry to some degree, and that once healed is the very thing that can catapult you into your next level in life, business, love, and your manifestation

335: How I'm Adjusting My Period So I Don't Get It On My Wedding Day!
October 26, 2023

(Tangible tips and important notes when shifting your cycle *safely and slowly*)Have you ever noticed that youre going to have your period on a majorly important day, like I dont know maybe your upcoming WEDDING perhaps!? Eek! Monica herself noticed

330: PART 1 - The Fundamentals Of Whole Body Health (ps. it’s okay to want to lose weight)
October 18, 2023

In a day and age with social media and ALL of the opinions, tips, tricks, and advice at our fingertips losing weight and getting healthy can feel more confusing than ever, right!? Pair that with the body positivity movement and indulging in shit food

334: Busting Through Your Money Fears & How To Know If An Investment Is Aligned For You
October 18, 2023

**Because Rapid Manifestation Requires Rapid Action**WOAH. This episode is going to bust you *right through* your fears around investing in yourself and anchor you right back into the truth that you are truly limitless. This is a big one.Monicas givi

333: The Reality of Real Relationships [Not Just What You See On Instagram]
October 11, 2023

Today, Monica’s giving it to you straight — the REALITY of real relationships. Like not the fluffy stuff you see on Instagram… but the real-deal of what healthy relationships look like behind-the-scenes [and you might be surprised just how *normal* your r
