The Fathers of Mercy

The Fathers of Mercy

Latest Episodes

Getting Out of Purgatory – All Souls Day Homily
November 04, 2016

Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM, preaches about the importance making reparation for our sins that have been forgiven and of praying for the holy souls in purgatory. This homily was given at the Chapel of Divine Mercy on November 2, 2016.

Getting Out of Purgatory – All Souls Day Homily
November 04, 2016

Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM, preaches about the importance making reparation for our sins that have been forgiven and of praying for the holy souls in purgatory. This homily was given at the Chapel of Divine Mercy on November 2, 2016.

Ideas for an Amazing Marriage
January 20, 2016

In this homily, given at St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Kentucky, on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time(Year C), Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM reflects on the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana and shares insights from Pope St. John Paul II for achieving an ama

Ideas para un matrimonio fabuloso
January 20, 2016

Esta homilia fue predicada por Padre Ricardo Pineda, CPM en La Iglesia de Santa Elena, en Glasgow, Kentucky, el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. En esta homilia, Padre Ricardo refleja sobre el evangelio de las bodas de Cana y comparte ideas del Papa

Ideas for an Amazing Marriage
January 20, 2016

In this homily, given at St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Kentucky, on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time(Year C), Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM reflects on the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana and shares insights from Pope St. John Paul II for achieving an ama

Ideas para un matrimonio fabuloso
January 20, 2016

Esta homilia fue predicada por Padre Ricardo Pineda, CPM en La Iglesia de Santa Elena, en Glasgow, Kentucky, el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. En esta homilia, Padre Ricardo refleja sobre el evangelio de las bodas de Cana y comparte ideas del Papa

Ideas for an Amazing Marriage
January 20, 2016

In this homily, given at St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Kentucky, on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time(Year C), Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM reflects on the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana and shares insights from Pope St. John Paul II for achieving an ama

Ideas para un matrimonio fabuloso
January 20, 2016

Esta homilia fue predicada por Padre Ricardo Pineda, CPM en La Iglesia de Santa Elena, en Glasgow, Kentucky, el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. En esta homilia, Padre Ricardo refleja

Ideas para un matrimonio fabuloso
January 19, 2016

Esta homilia fue predicada por Padre Ricardo Pineda, CPM en La Iglesia de Santa Elena, en Glasgow, Kentucky, el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. En esta homilia, Padre Ricardo refleja sobre el evangelio de las bodas de Cana y comparte ideas del Papa

Ideas for an Amazing Marriage
January 19, 2016

In this homily, given at St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Kentucky, on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time(Year C), Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM reflects on the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana and shares insights from Pope St. John Paul II for achieving an ama