Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: House Guests

February 12, 2015

Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick share 5 tips for creating a memorable stay for houseguests, while ensuring they leave on schedule. They will announce the ‘DoucheBomb of the Week,” winner and give their weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 10:00 am PST. #podcast   #Houseguest

Podcast Summary:

1) Every morning serve them in bed fresh coffee from Lizzy’s Fresh Coffee, but substitute the old coffee on the last day if they look like they might never leave.

2) Schedule lots of fun events like nordic lessons and wine tasting throughout the day without breaks so they have a lot of fun, but are ready to go home so they can relax.

3) Break out the good wine and keep refilling their glasses so that they enjoy, but need to depart to recover from their hangover.

4) Have only fresh fruit and vegetables and other very healthy food in the house, so they enjoy it for a spell but start craving a croissant after a few days.

5) Place plastic spiders in the bathroom and fake dog poo on the kitchen floor to keep them on their toes. That’s always good for a laugh and for their gratitude to be back in their own space, free of inane surprises.

DoucheBomb of the Week: Kanye West, for storming the stage AGAIN during Beck’s acceptance speech and his comments during an interview regarding Beck’s win. #respect

Prediction: A surprise was delayed but it will happen this week! Luck numbers 02, 25, 34, 45, 50 and 01. Play the Power Ball. You can’t win if you don’t play. Do something nice this week but don’t tell anyone about it.

Next Week: With a surprise guest, we will be chatting about winter boot maintenance.

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid Podcast Tuesdays at 10AM PT
