Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: Things you’ll need while you shed the holiday weight

January 07, 2015

Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick share their tips and tricks for shedding the holiday weight, along with our ‘DoucheBomb of the Week’ winner and our weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 9:30 am PST.

Podcast Summary:

1. Brah! Extender. Don’t toss your bra but it is a little too tight. Buy a Brah! Extender and use it so you have some bra breathing room. When you get back to your normal weight, you loose the extender.

2. Button Extender. It’s too expensive to buy new pants when you are getting tight around the waist. Give yourself some more room in your pants with a Button Extender. It give you the necessary room so you can keep wearing your pants.

3. Tips for losing weight:

a. Eat open faced sandwiches! Cut calories by only eating one slice of bread instead of two.

b. Drink two glasses of water before every meal.

c. If you are sitting all day at work, set a clock to get up every two hours and walk for 10 minutes.

4. There is no ‘DoucheBomb of the Week’ or ‘Dick of the Week.’ With the new year, once a month we want to have a winner that did something positive to impact people lives and make a difference. We don’t have a name for it yet but this week’s winner is Stuart Scott. A wonderful man!

5. Weekly prediction: This week we are telling the future of Cody Reed. Hard work and pulling ropes are in her future. She will see snow soon and be cold. Her lack of music talent will change in 2015 and take up a musical instrument of some kind. Her lucky numbers are 06, 01, 15, 30, 36 and 22.


Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid Podcast Tuesdays at 10AM PT
