Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: Surviving Vegas, strip shows, trade shows, live shows and more

August 13, 2014

Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick share their tips and tricks for for Surviving Vegas, along with our ‘Dick of the Week” winner and our weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 10:00 am PST.

Podcast Summary:

1. What to wear: To the pool, the trade shows, strip shows and live shows.

2. Vegas emergency kit: Advil, B-12, Fashion First Aid Kit, face blotters and more

3. Dick of the Week Award – Woman for driving drunk during the day with a 5 year-old boy, that was a relative, in the car

4. Summer is winding down and so will your level of stress. With school back in session for some, it will bring a much needed routine to those that need it. Lots of opportunities coming up, don’t miss out on any of them. Make sure you are getting eight hours of sleep each night. Start a new workout routine. Play the lottery. Lucky numbers are 11, 11, 35, 27, 45, 77.

5. Come Join us in Vegas on the 18 & 19 in our Fashion First Aid suite. We are getting ready to hit the strip and want you to join the fun. RSVP at

6. Next week’s Podcast: The morning after Vegas.
