Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

Latest Episodes

On the Road to a Better Future
September 09, 2015

Terrone Jones (right) and his METP job councilor, Mark Eye It’s not often that second chances come along. But, a new University of Missouri Extension program is finding second chances for those willing to work.     Today’s gue[...]

Dying of Thirst – Very Wet Spring Makes Plants, Trees and Shrubs Vulnerable
July 17, 2015

“He who has a garden and a library wants for nothing.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero July heat has arrived in Missouri, and it’s putting garden and landscape plants at risk. Because we had such a wet spring, plants, trees and shrubs don[...]

When Temperatures Climb Your Body Needs More Water
July 14, 2015

According to the Institute of Medicine women need about nine cups of fluid and for men it is about 13 cups of fluid daily. (Photo by Roger Kirby) Soaring summer temperatures and high humidity means your body will need more fluids to keep it working [...]

Keeping Brown Patch at Bay
June 19, 2015

Brown patch spreading on a tall fescue lawn (Photo by Brad Fresenburg, turf specialist for University of Missouri Extension) Conditions are perfect for brown patch to ravage your lawn. Control isn’t easy and it may be better to give up and wai[...]

Brown Patch Lawn Disease Could Erupt in Home Landscapes This Summer
June 11, 2015

Brown spot in a tall fescue lawn (Photo by Brad Fresenburg, turf specialist for University of Missouri Extension) Nitrogen fertilizer, heat and water is like ringing the dinner bell for fungi hoping to snack on your nice green lawn. If you have tall[...]

Forget April — May Had All the Showers
June 08, 2015

Bad weather always looks worse through a window. ~ Tom Lehrer, singer-songwriter May was very wet in Missouri with some parts of the state getting more than 10 inches of rain. But, all that precipitation could be good news for the summer forecast. T[...]

Got Calcium? Your Tomatoes Need It
June 05, 2015

Blossom-end rot is first seen when tomatoes are one-third to one-half full size. (Photo by Patrick Byers, University of Missouri Extension) When tomatoes, peppers, melons, and eggplant develop a sunken, rotten spot on the end of the fruit it’s[...]

The Noise, Noise, Noise, Noise – Periodical Cicadas Arriving in Missouri
June 02, 2015

“Do you know the legend about cicadas? They say they are the souls of poets who cannot keep quiet because, when they were alive, they never wrote the poems they wanted to.” ~ John Berger, author (Photo by Roger Meissen) It’s an amazing event t[...]

Cool, Wet Weather Makes Fungus Flourish
June 02, 2015

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago” ~ Warren Buffett, American Businessman (Photo by Debbie Johnson) An annual curse when cool, wet springs trigger anthracnose to flourish. It’s ca[...]

Rose Rosette – A Deadly Virus in Roses
May 29, 2015

The witch’s broom stems and leaves on a rose infected with rose rosette (Photo by Chris Starbuck) Commonly found on wild roses (Rosa Multiflora) in Midwestern, Southern and Eastern U.S., rose rosette is a virus that is 100% fatal in all roses.[...]
